The Gold Shark-FV Conference

May, 26-31 2024 in Minho



The Gold SHARK is now over, thank you all for the good moments and we wish to welcome you for the

Pink SHARK in May 19th-23rd 2025

The workshop will be  held at the Sao Felix Hotel close to PortoPortugal

The organizers warmly acknowledge the support of the Agence National pour la Recherche (ANR) in France under the project MOONRISE.

gold polygon cube


The main purpose of this conference is to strengthen the collaborations between Finite Volume (FV) field actors and to share the burden of research and development of numerical codes of FV type. This workshop brings the opportunity for Researchers from International Universities to discuss the State-of-the-Art of high(er)-order Finite Volume methods for a large range of Physics and Engineering problems. Each morning presentations are given by experts in the field while the afternoon sessions are dedicated to intensive parallel workshops articulated around few collaborators.

The purposes of the workshops are:

  • to reinforce already existing collaborations;
  • to create new interactions between researchers in the same field;
  • to share detailed and technical experiences on specific issues and exchange ideas, codes, test cases…

A lot of time will be dedicated to discussions and work sessions. As such the number of participants is limited to 35 to 40 attendantsRegistration must be done through the registration form.

The fees covers the hotel (Sunday night till Friday morning), three meals per day (Sunday dinner up to Friday lunch), the coffee breaks, the registration fees, the transport from/to Porto airport, and the workshop banquet on Thursday evening.

The area is located on top of Sao Félix Hill in harmony with the exuberant landscape of the Costa Verde few kilometers from the Ocean, North of Porto and East of Braga. Supplemented with the famous Portuguese cuisine, SHARK-FV conference provides a perfect environment for sharing unforgettable experiences.

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The conference themes revolve around High- and Very High-Order numerical methods, more specifically (bu not restricted to):

  • High-order scheme derivations (hyperbolic, parabolic, elliptic)
  • Non-Conservative hyperbolic Systems of PDE’s with Stiff Source Terms
  • Multispecies/Multimaterial Fluid Flows
  • Modeling, Asymptotic modeling
  • High order approximation of non-matching interfaces and boundaries
  • Analyse, robustness and stability properties
  • Mesh Moving, Meshless and Particle schemes
  • etc.
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Scientific Commitee

  • CHRISTOPHE BERTHON, Université de Nantes, France.
  • WALTER BOSCHERI, Università di Ferrara, Italy.
  • STÉPHANE CLAIN, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
  • CHRISTOPHE CHALONS, Université Versailles, Paris, France.
  • MICHAEL DUMBSER, Università degli studi di Trento, Italy.
  • GREGOR GASSNER, Mathematisched Insitut zu Köln, Germany.
  • RAPHAËL LOUBÈRE , Université de Bordeaux, France.
  • XESÚS NOGUEIRA, Universidade da Coruña, Spain.
  • GABRIELLA PUPPO, Università La Spienza Roma, Italia
  • FRANCOIS VILAR, Université de Montpellier, France.
  • MARIE-HELENE VIGNAL, Université de Toulouse, France.
  • ELENA VÁZQUEZ -CENDÓN, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela,  Spain.